
How to Open your Own Private Practice | Medical Practice Start-up

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How to Open your Own Private Practice | Medical Practice Start-up

How to Open your Own Private Practice | Medical Practice Start-up

Starting a new medical practice can be a very intimidating process, whether you are fresh out of medical school or transitioning from being a provider at a larger health system to your own private practice. Based on working with a variety of provider specialties nationwide, TriumpHealth has the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the time-consuming process of opening your own medical practice.

TriumpHealth’s practice start-up team has created a thorough step-by-step process and workflows that ensure a successful and efficient practice start-up from the ground up. We can assist you all the way from the initial stages of patient demographic study all the way through billing out your claims to insurance payers. From essential decisions to finishing touches, we will be there every step of the way.

The Steps to Opening Your Own Medical Practice Include:

  1.  Complete a location and patient demographic study in new practice area
  2.  Establish TIN and Professional Corporation
  3.  Create Type II NPI for the new practice
  4.  Credential and contract with Government, Commercial, & Private payers in your practice region
  5.  EHR-Billing Software Vendor Selection
  6.  Create good housekeeping practices for day-to-day operations
    – Front Office Workflow Training
    – Develop Financial Reporting and ABN Forms
    – Develop Medical Intake Forms
    – Employee Policies Handbook
  7.  Selection of Office Hardware
  8.  Complete OSHA & HIPAA Compliance Training and Certification
  9.  Complete Software and Payer Set-up
    – EDI Enrollment with Payers
    – EFT/ERA Set-up
    – Superbill Creation
    – Fee Schedule Set-up (Payer & Self-Pay)
  10.  E&M and Surgery Coding review and training
  11.  Maintain Ongoing Medical Practice Management

How can TriumpHealth help you?

Each practice is unique and may have different needs depending on the specialty, location, and goals. We try to understand your specific requirements and provide tailored solutions to help you be successful. Our team is ready to help you start your journey no matter what your situation.

If you are looking to start your own medical practice, consider reaching out to TriumpHealth to discuss your future plans. TriumpHealth works with all specialties nationwide and know all the necessary steps to get your practice started. To talk to a representative, call 817-857-1075 or email Included below is a link to request our practice start-up checklist.